Monday, 21 April 2014

Oshawa Little Theatre Investigation March 15 2014

On March 15th 2014 M.I.A Paranormal investigated Oshawa Little Theatre for the second time. For me it would be my first time investigating the theatre as I was not a member of M.I.A during their first investigation. My first impressions of Oshawa Little Theatre was it is not "Little" by any means, also the building looked clean and pleasant from the exterior modern looking not like some of the older historic buildings I've investigated. We entered the building through the stage door which was great to enter right onto the stage area where you realize the true magic of the theater, the stage looking out of the seats along with the side balconies made the imagination run wild. How many people performed on this beautiful stage, how many people sat in the seats viewing their favorite plays or musicals? Although the building itself was built in the early 80s the history of the Oshawa Little Theatre Group goes much further back then the buildings birth, but who decided to root themselves in this theater? Could it be a theater lover who decided to spend the after life at the place they enjoyed themselves the most? Verna Conant was one of the Theatre Groups original founders. Verna's husband was Mayor of Oshawa and later was elected into Ottawa. Verna still was very much involved in the Oshawa Little Theatre Group even though being further from it, with this devotion to the group in life could she be just as dedicated in death? Using a spirit box we received the name Verna multiple times but being such a pillar of the theater could it be people she had worked with speaking her name as Jason asked if her name was Cara as Jason captured an EVP with Cara being spoken. Perhaps it wasn't Cara but instead Verna he caught? This evidence may help answer some questions of the after life such as visiting the places you love as a spirit, If this was indeed Verna it would seem she did not cross over to a heaven or hell but is indeed on earth in a higher plain of existence why didn't she cross? Did she have a choice? Can she still if she has not yet? She did not seem to be in pain or sad she seemed as though she knew where she was and she wanted to be there. This female entity "Cara" or "Verna" or whomever was not the only entity in the building though we have also had two different male spirits which raises more questions who are these men? It seems the more you look into the unknown the more you realize how little we really know about life after death.

All evidence from this case will be shown in my video I have been making of the case.

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